Here at Healthwatch we represent the views of the people that use health and social care services in our city. Here is an update on our current projects across a range of services within the sector.
Young Healthwatch and the 'Right Here' YMCA Downslink Project took part in a flash consultation with the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), to find out what really matters to young people in relation to health and social care.
At the start of 2018, we see yet more changes to GP practices in Brighton and Hove. Unlike some previous changes these seem to herald improvements and increases in capacity, helping GP's take on more patients.
Young Healthwatch Brighton and Hove was created in 2017 in partnership with the YMCA Downslink Project, and operates through their 'Right Here' project.
In our last newsletter we described the further work that Healthwatch would be undertaking to see how Patient Transport Services were performing. During November and December, our Enter and View representatives returned to the Royal Sussex County Hospital to speak to patients who were using the service.
Healthwatch visited 29 surgeries in the city as part of the GP review. At each surgery the Healthwatch team observed the patient-friendliness of the environment paying attention to the comfort of the waiting area, appointment call systems, communication with patients, display of information, general hygiene and toilet facilities.
NHS England has launched a public consultation on proposals to rein in prescriptions for some ‘over the counter’ products such as dandruff shampoo and drops for tired eyes, in order to free-up funding to expand other treatments for major conditions such as cancer and mental health problems.
The Ardingly Court GP Practice operates over two sites – the city centre site at Ardingly Street and the Whitehawk site at the Wellsbourne Health Centre.
Healthwatch has been at the forefront of efforts to monitor the quality of Sussex's Patient Transport Service and improve the standard of the service after problems experienced with Coperforma.
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