Survey of People with Multiple Health Conditions

Brighton and Hove City Council and the Clinical Commissioning Group are conducting a needs assessment of people living with more than one physical or mental health condition
Black logo, Brighton Pavilion, Text below Brighton and Hove Council

If you are interested in taking part the survey should take less than ten minutes to complete. You can respond from a personal or professional view. The results will be anonymous and form part of a needs assessment.

Survey – for people with more than one health condition and their carers

We are surveying people across the city to get their views on their care and what improvements can be made.

Click here for people with more than one health condition and their carers

Survey – for staff supporting or caring for people with 2 or more health conditions

We are surveying patients and staff across the city to get their views on how services work and what improvements can be made. This survey is aimed at anyone involved with the health, care and wellbeing of adults living with multiple long-term conditions.

Click here for staff supporting or caring for people with 2 or more health conditions

You can also forward the survey onto someone else.

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