Switchboard - Access to Healthcare Survey (LGBTQ+ D/deaf & HoH)

Switchboard has been commissioned by Brighton & Hove City Council to learn about the barriers to accessing healthcare experienced by LGBTQ+ D/deaf and hard of hearing communities.
Purple text, LGBT+ Helpline, Radar Signal Off the i

The survey will help to identify where more can be done as well as receive the communities’ input into the changes they’d like to see. The survey is open to all D/deaf or HoH LGBTQ+ identified people who live, work, study or socialise in Brighton & Hove.

It takes less than 10 minutes to complete, and will close at 10am on Monday 3rd September 2018.

You can complete the online survey, download a PDF Version or arrange for a one-to-one interview by contacting Sophie Barnes directly on sophie.barnes@switchboard.org.uk.

If you're not the right person to take the survey, maybe you know someone who is. So please pass this on.

Please note the survey is now closed.

Flyer detailing survey information, how to participate

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