New research commissioned by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) has found that more women must be made aware of their right to choose their birth hospital.
A report was published today which reflected on the fact that 75% of patients we talked to, across Sussex, are satisfied with the quality of non - emergency Patient Transport Service they received, including 44% who were very satisfied
Our latest report on non-emergency Patient Transport Services services across Sussex, since South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust took over the contract in April 2017.
Brighton and Hove Clinical commissioning Group has prepared a list of frequently asked questions regarding the closure of the Ridgeway Surgery in Woodingdean. The surgery will close on 31 October 2017.
With help from local councils and public health the NHS is working to improve ‘Planned care’ –treatments that can be planned in advance, rather than emergency and urgent care which is more unpredictable and needs an immediate response.
The future of the NHS and social care services are being designed by Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships. There are 44 of these partnerships around the country and ours covers all of Sussex and East Surrey.
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