Healthwatch survey on hospital discharge for patients, family members and practitioners

Healthwatch are keen to engage both public and professionals in our Hospital Discharge project.
Graphic image, Survey with happy, sad, mutual faces, hand ticking happy face

We are interested in the experience of patients who are 65 years or older and have been discharged from the Royal Sussex County Hospital in 2018.  We would also like to hear from those who have cared for these patients, either family members, carers or practitioners working in the community. 

Please complete one of the following questionnaires.

For patients who have been discharged from the Royal Sussex County Hospital this year (and carers and family members who take care of these patients).

Patients, family members and carers survey

For practitioners and professionals who work with patients discharged from the Royal Sussex.

Thank you for your time.  Your voice will be added to those of the patients and family members we have interviewed in hospital over the summer.

Please note the surveys are now closed

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