Communications Plan
Our strategy sets out how Healthwatch Brighton and Hove uses communications to achieve its vision and mission and strengthen its approach to achieving them. This strategy provides a framework for the delivery of effective communications which are clear, appropriate and help the organisation achieve its goals.
Complaints Policy & Procedure
This Complaints Policy outlines how anyone using or trying to use our services can tell us if they are unhappy about the standard of our service or the fact that we have not provided a service. Anyone directly affected, or anyone acting directly on such a person’s behalf (such as a carer or relative) may make a complaint under this policy.
DBS Policy
This policy advises on what level of DBS check should be carried out for volunteers, employees and any applicants, dependent on their role at Healthwatch.
Decision Making & Prioritisation Policy
Healthwatch makes its decisions in an open and transparent way and ensures the interests of the people of Brighton & Hove are always put first. This process outlines the steps taken to ensure priorities are evidence based and lead to substantive impact in the community.
Domestic Violence Policy
This policy describes our approach to tackling domestic against all people, including violence against women and girls. As a caring and responsible employer, we have a vital role to play as part of our duty of care towards employees and volunteers and because work might be the only place of respite for an employee or volunteer affected by domestic abuse. We want to show employees, volunteers and members of the public who are going through abuse, that they are not alone and that we can support them to get help. Our policy is intended to send a clear message that any form of domestic violence is not tolerated inside or outside the workplace and that we will support any employees or volunteer or member of the public who needs help.
Enter & View Policy
As a local Healthwatch, we have the legal right to visit health and adult social care services that are publicly funded - event partly - to find out about people's experiences. During these visits we can observe how care is provided first hand, and ask service users, and their carers and relatives, for their views and experiences of the service.
Enter and View is a statutory power for all local Healthwatch organisations, which was written into law by the Health and Social Care Act 2012. This Enter & View Policy explains how that works.
Environmental Policy and Net Zero Policy
The Environmenral policy covers the environmental aspects that we have legal and regulatory responsibilities for. We recognise that we have has a responsibility to the environment beyond legal and regulatory requirements. We are committed to reducing our environmental impact and continually improving our environmental performance as an integral part of our business strategy and operating methods.
Our Net Zero policy describes our plan to reduce our carbon footprint. We will develop this over the next two years.
Equality and Diversity Policy
Equality means everyone is treated the same exact way, regardless of need or any other individual difference. Equity means everyone is provided with what they need to succeed. Equity, diversity, and inclusion are at the heart of Healthwatch Brighton and Hove’s values.
Healthwatch recognises the diversity of the population it serves and takes seriously the obligation to reach and include a diversity of people, and to ensure its credibility within a diversity of communities. We are committed to policy, procedure and practice that recognises and respects the identity, rights, abilities and needs of everyone, and actively opposes all forms of unfair discrimination.
Modern Slavery policy
Healthwatch is committed to the principles of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the abolition of modern slavery and human trafficking. As an equal opportunities’ employer, we're committed to creating and ensuring a non-discriminatory and respectful working environment for our staff. We want all our staff to feel confident that they can expose wrongdoing without any risk to themselves.
Public Board Meeting Policy
Our board of directors meet on a regular basis, and unless otherwise stated, members of the public and press are welcome to attend. Although we aim to make all board meetings open to the public, there may be times when there is need for privacy to discuss internal employees, finance, or HR matters. When this is necessary, the board meeting will be held in two parts - an 'open' and a 'closed' session.
This policy outlines good governance process of holding a board meeting where members of the public will be present.
Recruitment Policy
Healthwatch is committed to providing efficient, effective, and continuously improving, services to the diverse communities of Brighton and Hove. To achieve this, we recognise that it is crucial to recruit the right people with the right skills and values to the right job and that these individuals should reflect, as far as possible, the diversity of the local community it serves.
Healthwatch have legal and regulatory responsibilities for recruiting new employees and this policy provides a framework to ensure that we have a fair, objective, consistent and transparent recruitment, and selection process that promotes good practice and supports a proactive approach to equality and diversity.
Safeguarding Adults Policy
This policy covers all employees and volunteers whose work involves direct contact with adults and which all employees and volunteers are expected to follow. It differs from children’s safeguarding as the legislation is different.
Safeguarding Children Policy
This policy covers all employees and volunteers whose work involves any contact with children or young people and which all employees and volunteers are expected to follow. It differs from adult safeguarding as the legislation is different.
Whistleblowing Policy
We are committed to being open, honest, and accountable. We encourage a free and open culture within our organisation. This policy aims to help employees raise any serious concerns they may have about colleagues or their employer with confidence and without having to worry about being victimised, discriminated against, or disadvantaged in any way as a result.
This policy is also intended to support employees of health and care providers who may want to contact an independent organisation to speak out about concerns they may have in the workplace affecting patients and people receiving care.
Healthwatch Brighton and Hove
- Engagement Plan 2024-27
This document describes how we decide who to engage with to meet our statutory duties. This informed decision is based on three elements:
- A range of local data sources (both internally and externally to Healthwatch Brighton and Hove).
- What we already know about the population of Brighton and Hove (mostly council data).
- The policy context from the Integrated Care Board (ICB) and Brighton and Hove City Council (BHCC).
We conclude this strategy by outlining our engagement plans for 2024-2027 in terms of our target priorities for each year and expected outcomes.
If you have any questions about these or our other policies then please get in touch on 01273 239040 or
The policies listed here here are available to download.
We review our policies every two years, and in some cases such as safeguarding or whistleblowing we do so annually.
If you have any questions about these or our other policies then please get in touch on 01273 239040 or