Parents urged to get their 2-3 year olds the flu jab

The parents of thousands of children in Brighton and Hove missing out on their free flu vaccine are being urged to get their child protected now, reducing the risk of them becoming seriously ill and infecting their wider family.
Nurse holding child to right hand side, White text to left, background gradient shades of blue, NHS Logo top right

Flu symptoms come on very quickly and can be a very unpleasant illness in children with symptoms including fever, stuffy nose dry cough, sore throat, aching muscles and joints and extreme tiredness, which can often last several days.

Children can face serious complications from flu, including a painful ear infection, acute bronchitis and pneumonia, so some may even need hospital for treatment. Last year saw eight under 18 year olds ending up in hospital Brighton and Hove due to flu, costing the NHS more than a £18,000, which may have been avoided by them claiming their free flu vaccine.

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