Why does accessible healthcare matter? - Karl's story
Clear, understandable information is important to help you make decisions about your healthcare. It is feedback from people like Karl that inspired Healthwatch England to launch the Your Care, Your Way campaign last year.
Fighting cold homes and saving money on energy bills in Brighton & Hove
It's a shocking fact that, despite being the fifth richest country in the world, there are 3 million UK residents who cannot afford their heat and power costs.
Advice and Information
Help if you're worried about money
Extra help is available for households in Brighton & Hove struggling to pay for food, energy and other essential costs.
Advice and Information
Are you interested in helping the NHS to improve the Outpatient experience?
Join the Sussex Outpatient transformation team and other local people to help transform the Outpatient experience.
PRESS RELEASE: Healthwatch GP access survey 2023 (15.2.23)
Healthwatch in Sussex heard from 851 people across Sussex about their GP access following the COVID crisis. 56% of these people delayed making a GP appointment, even though they needed to do so.
The Louisa Martindale Building – Opening in April 2023
Patient services will be moving into the new Louisa Martindale Building at the Royal Sussex County Hospital throughout April.
An open letter to NHS England to improve the Accessible Information Standard
Healthwatch England has written a letter to NHS England to express our disappointment at the lack of progress in reviewing the legally-binding Accessible Information Standard.
Healthwatch Brighton and Hove - Board Meeting Papers February 2023
These are the board papers for the Board of Directors meeting held on 6th February 2023.
Information for public during the ambulance and nursing industrial action
Members of the Royal College of Nursing and ambulance workers in Sussex will be striking on 6 and 7 February
Are you an unpaid carer? Take part in testing new tech solutions
Do you provide unpaid care for a family member or friend aged 55 or over in the Brighton and Hove area?
Healthwatch respond to the planned closure of public toilets
Healthwatch Brighton and Hove has written to local Councillors in liaison with the Friends, Families and Travellers (FFT)and on behalf of members of the public who have contacted us about the proposal to close many of the city’s public toilets.
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