SPFT Access to Mental Health Services Survey

NHS Sussex are running a survey on how best to enable people who need support and help with their mental health to find and access appropriate local mental health services directly.
Graphic of people with speech bubbles.

In Sussex there is a wide range of services available to support people needing help
with their mental health, delivered by different organisations and providers, which can sometimes make it complicated for people to find and access the information and help appropriate to their need.  

Social Marketing Gateway (SMG) has been asked by the health and care system in Sussex to conduct market research on how best to enable people who need support and help with their mental health, including their family, friends, and carers, to find and access appropriate local mental health services directly.

The questionnaire should take no longer than 5 to 10 minutes to complete. The results of the data collected will be used to inform the improvement of the presentation and content of information about local mental health support services across Sussex.

Please complete the survey here.

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