Healthwatch statement on the police investigation into services at Royal Sussex Hospital

You can read our statement below
Outside the hospital

We can confirm that Healthwatch Brighton and Hove is aware of a police investigation into allegations relating to several services at the Royal Sussex County Hospital.

Due to the ongoing investigation, we cannot comment further at this stage, but this development is clearly concerning.

A number of local people have contacted Healthwatch teams in Sussex to say they are worried about the police involvement and have asked how this might affect their care. Healthwatch is in regular contact with the Trust and meets often with senior leaders and we have shared patient concerns with them.

We have received the following assurances from University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust:

If anyone has any questions relating to care they are receiving now, or are due to receive from our teams, there are various options. You either discuss your circumstances with your GP, who is referring you to us for care, or you can discuss any concerns you have with the clinical team themselves.

Alternatively, you can contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) instead. All of our services are closely monitored and regulated, and our Trust is committed to being open, and listening. Your clinical team will be happy to discuss anything you wish to raise with them.”

For further information please visit the University Hospitals Sussex website by clicking here

Healthwatch will continue to monitor the situation and do all we can within our remit as the area’s health and social care champion to represent the patient voice, including by sharing any insight we have with the police and other stakeholders where it might assist the investigation.

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