Our workplan for 2024/25
Our project work is informed by the information we receive through our patient information line, our attendance at a variety of meetings, our discussions with other local organisations, issues we know to be of interest to Healthwatch England (national focus) and our other engagement activities e.g. by attending public events. We also deliver work with a pan-Sussex interest, in partnership with our colleagues in Healthwatch West and East Sussex. Our work involves collating feedback, investigating and escalating issues as appropriate.
Our escalation routes are varied and include to: the four Sussex Hospital Trust’s Senior Leadership Teams, the Care Quality Commission, Healthwatch England, our Integrated Care System’s Assembly, Quality Governance Improvement Group and Primary Care Commissioning Group and the city’s Health and Wellbeing Board and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
Areas of focus for 2024/25 include:
- University Hospitals Sussex Trust
- Primary care services, i.e. GP’s, NHS dentistry and high street pharmacy services.
- Service changes, notably to GP practices.
- Mental Health.
- Hospital services, including access and waiting times.
- The quality of home care.
- Conducting our series of routine Enter and Views to health care services.
- Children and Young People.
We deliver projects in partnership and with the help and support of local voluntary and community groups and other organisations. You can read more about our work and the impacts this has in our latest annual Performance covering the period April 2023 – March 2024. We will publish reports detailing our work and recommendations on our website www.healthwatchbrightonandhove.co.uk