Healthwatch Brighton and Hove Workplan of Projects, April 2023 - March 2024

This document describes the health and social care projects that Healthwatch Brighton and Hove has worked on during the past year and those we determined that we were unable to take forward for various reasons. It also describes the work we are currently working on or are actively considering and which we will take forward into the next year (April 2024 – April 2025).

Areas of focus throughout 2023-24 included

  1. Patient concerns about safety at University Hospitals Sussex Trust following poor CQC outcomes and a live police investigation into patient deaths. We were also focussed on maternity and the Emergency Department.
  2. Access to primary care services, i.e. GP’s, NHS dentistry and high street pharmacy services.
  3. Service changes, notably to GP practices.
  4. Access to Mental Health services, especially CAMHS (Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services).
  5. Access to hospital services, including waiting times.
  6. Ambulance services. 
  7. The quality of home care.
  8. Non-emergency Patient Transport Services.
  9. Conducting our series of routine Enter and Views to health care services.

We delivered projects in partnership and with the help and support of local voluntary and community groups and other organisations. We would like to express our sincere thanks to them. You can see which organisations we have worked with at the end of this document. You can read more about our work and the impacts this has in our latest six-monthly Performance (April-September 2023) and our Annual Report, April 2023-March 2024.


Healthwatch Brighton & Hove Workplan 2023/24

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