Healthwatch Brighton and Hove Workplan of Projects, December 2023

This document describes the health and social care projects that Healthwatch Brighton and Hove has identified and is currently working on, is actively considering or has determined that it is unable to take forward. It also describes a number of essential internal projects that support the successful operation of our organisation.

This document provides a summary of each project’s status and is subject to regular revision.

Healthwatch Brighton and Hove’s workplan includes our ongoing work and routine monitoring of health and care services.

Our work includes those areas which we know, either through our patient information line or other engagement activities, are of particular concern to patients across Brighton and Hove. We also deliver work which has a Sussex-wide impact, in partnership with our colleagues in Healthwatch West and East Sussex  and with the assistance of a dedicated Liaison role lead (who operates across all three Healthwatch teams and Sussex Health and Care, which is the name for our Integrated Care System). Our work involves collating feedback, investigating and escalating issues as appropriate.

Areas of focus include:

  1. Patient concerns about safety at University Hospitals Sussex Trust following poor CQC outcomes and a live police investigation into patient deaths. We are also focussed on maternity and the Emergency Department.
  2. Access to primary care services, i.e. GP’s, NHS dentistry and high street pharmacy services.
  3. Service changes, notably to GP practices.
  4. Access to Mental Health services, especially CAMHS (Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services).
  5. Access to hospital services, including waiting times.
  6. Ambulance services.
  7. The quality of home care.
  8. Non-emergency Patient Transport Services.
  9. Conducting our series of routine Enter and Views to health care services.

We deliver projects in partnership and with the help and support of local voluntary and community groups and other organisations. We would like to express our sincere thanks to them. You can see which organisations we have worked with at the end of this document.


Healthwatch Brighton & Hove Workplan 2023/24

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