Sussex wide non-emergency Patient Transport Service

Our latest report indicates that patient satisfaction with Patient Transport Services has finally started to improve.


This report examines how the Patient Transport Service has changed over a six month period - from June to December 2017 - since the new provider, South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SCAS), took over the running of the service.

Key Findings

  • A total of 186 individuals completed our survey, either online or face-to-face
  • Respondents across all areas of Sussex commented that they felt the service was ‘better organised and more efficient overall’, with regular drivers having a significant positive impact on people’s experiences.
  • Overall 85% (155) of all those surveyed were either ‘Very Satisfied’ or ‘Satisfied’ with the Patient Transport service, with 80% (145) of respondents saying that they would recommend the service to family and friends. These numbers are higher than those recorded from our May/June patient surveys (75% and 77% respectively).
  • The highest increase in satisfaction levels was recorded by Healthwatch Brighton and Hove,increasing from 67% in May/June 2017 to 84% by December 2017.
  • Local satisfaction levels in East and West Sussex were both moderately lower than in May/June 2017. Renal patients were less likely than other patients to be ‘very satisfied’ with the service and were also less likely to recommend the service to others.
  • Only 6% (11) of respondents felt ‘Very Dissatisfied’ or ‘Dissatisfied’ with the quality of their service, and 12% would not recommend the service. These numbers are lower than those recorded in May/June 2017 (12% and 16% respectively).
  • 52% (79) of respondents stated that overall, they felt the service had got better in the period from May/June to November/December 2017 and a further 42% (64) said that it felt about the same.
  • Some negative issues with timing and coordination were highlighted and, as with our first report covering May and June 2017, weekends featured as the time when patients were most likely to have an inferior service experience.

Local Healthwatch Working Together

We worked together with local Healthwatch in both East and West Sussex to produce this Sussex wide report. This is the second report that we have worked on together within the last 12 months.

You can contact the other local Healthwatch here:


You can download the report here, but if you need it in a different format, please contact us at:

01273 234 041

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