The New Sussex-wide Patient Transport Service

Our latest report on non-emergency Patient Transport Services services across Sussex, since South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust took over the contract in April 2017.


In this report, patients and carers give their views on their experiences of using the Patient Transport System (PTD), which is provided by South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SCAS).

This report examines how the service has changed over six months from June to December 2017.

Key Findings

  • Respondents across all areas of Sussex said the service was ‘better organised and more efficient overall’ with regular drivers having a significant impact on people’s experiences.
  • 85% (155) of all those surveyed were either ‘Very Satisfied’ or ‘Satisfied’ with the service, with 80% (145) of respondents saying that they would recommend the service to family and friends.
  • Patients using renal services were less likely to be ‘very satisfied’ with the service and were also less likely to recommend the service to others, as they continue to experience delays and uncertainties around pick-up times, despite being regular users of the service; and
  • Those undertaking the survey in sites across Sussex sometimes encountered challenges to identify transport provided by SCAS.


You can download the full report here, but if you need this report in a different format,
please contact us at:

01273 234 041

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