Mystery Shopping Project Results Summary

Healthwatch Brighton and Hove decided to take a practical look at how GP surgeries were giving their out of hours information. On the back of the recommendations laid out in the report about urgent care in the city.

The Method for this Project: 

  • Healthwatch Brighton and Hove volunteers and staff met on 4 th May 2014 to review the websites and answerphone messages of all GP practices in Brighton and Hove, according to the 2013 CCG list of practices.
  • They were specifically looking for information on NHS 111, the pop-up clinics and opening times, as well as clarity of messages.
  • Their findings were individually fed back to all practices in Brighton and Hove, with examples of best practice shared



  • 10% of answerphones were found to be unclear, due to either fuzziness of the message, fast talking on the message or giving too many confusing out of hours options.
  • The majority of answerphones gave multiple out of hours options for different times and days, which made the messages longer and more difficult to understand.
  • 66% of answerphone messages offered the surgery opening hours, the remainder commonly stated that the surgery was closed.
  • 90% included some information about NHS 111, often amongst other out of hours numbers. Many included information about the 111 service, including that it was free on mobiles and landlines.
  • Just 13% of surgeries called included any information about the pop-up clinics available around the city during the winter and spring.


  • 9 of the 53 (17%) surgeries we investigated appeared to have no surgery website available for their patients to view.
  • Of these 9 surgeries, 7 claimed to provide online appointment booking and/or online repeat prescriptions on their NHS Choices pages.
  • Of the remaining 44 surgeries in Brighton and Hove which had websites, all had information about their surgery opening times available to view.
  • 70%  included information about NHS 111, although the quality of information varied from mentioning the service to detailed information about service.
  • A range of surgery websites chose to give their own out of hours options, including 0845 numbers and links to other surgeries, alongside their 111 information.


You can download the report here. If you need it in a different formate please contact us at or 01273234041

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