Insight and intelligence on Children and Young People’s (CYPs) mental health and wellbeing
The Health & Wellbeing Board
The Health & Wellbeing Board (HWB) is established as a Committee of Brighton and Hove City Council (BHCC) pursuant to Section 194 of the Health and Social Care Act 2012 and the Local Authority (Public Health, Health and Wellbeing Board and Health Scrutiny) Regulations 2013.
The purpose of the Board is to provide system leadership to the health and local authority functions relating to health & wellbeing in Brighton & Hove. It promotes the health and wellbeing of the people in its area through the development of improved and integrated health and social care services.
The HWB is responsible for the co-ordinated delivery of services across adult social care, public health, and health and wellbeing of children and young peoples’ services. This includes decision making in relation to those services within Adult Services, Children’s Services, Public Health and decisions relating to the joint commissioning of children’s and adult social care and health services (s75 agreements).
Healthwatch Brighton and Hove CIC is a non-voting member of the HWB. We attend the Board in our independent capacity to represent the voice of residents during discussions and offer critical yet constructive challenge to providers and commissioners and Councillors.
The February HWB has an agenda item on ‘Children & Young People mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing’.
To support the discussion, Healthwatch shared a summary of our intelligence and insight which were incorporated into a paper for Board members.
To see the publicly available Board papers, follow this link: Agenda details
Insight and intelligence
Learn more about Healthwatch's insight and intelligence on Children and Young People’s (CYPs) mental health and wellbeing by reading the full report.