Stakeholder Survey 2024

Healthwatch Brighton and Hove regularly asks for feedback from stakeholders. This report provides a summary of the responses to our latest survey.

Stakeholders were asked about their awareness of our role and work; their relationship with Healthwatch; and the impact of the work Healthwatch does, on their organisation, or on them individually as a service user. 

53 stakeholders provided us with constructive feedback for future improvements, and complimented us on the impact we make on health and social care service provision and commission.    

To read the full report please see downloads at the bottom of the page. Also included is a review of the recommendations made in the last stakeholder survey we conducted in 2020. 

Our stakeholders told us:  

We were doing well at and should continue to do the following: 

  • Foster strong relationships with existing stakeholders, and build relationships with new stakeholders, ensuring we maintain their awareness of our work and our role. 
  • Provide insight and patient views, inputting into stakeholder meetings where relevant.
  • Provide good advice and signposting for service users and provide opportunities for them to directly respond to health and social care providers and commissioners. 
  • Provide high quality and evidence-based insight through reports, and informative and relevant news bulletins.
  • Engage well with the public.
  • Put people’s voices at the front of our work to influence and challenge providers and commissioners. 


We could do better at, and should therefore aim to do more of the following:

  • Review our brand, our values and publicise these widely, increasing awareness of our role.
  • Publicise our work at information sharing events, such as at Community Base. 
  • Create new collaborations with NHS, Local Authority including Councillors, VCSEs, researchers, and Stakeholders, ensuring anyone we collaborate with understands what we do ahead of working together so that expectations are realistic. 
  • Increase our presence and therefore influence with providers and commissioners, making this role transparent to the general public. 
  • Widen the range of service users we engage with, increasing the diversity (age, gender, ethnicity etc.) of our engagement. 
  • Encourage GP practices to provide signposting for Healthwatch through their websites. 

To read the full report and a review of recommendations made in 2020.

Stakeholder Survey 2024
A review of recommendations from 2020 to 2024

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