Public engagement event – Brunswick Square festival

At the Brunswick Square festival, Healthwatch Brighton and Hove ran a stall to raise awareness of our organisation and to hear people’s views and experiences of health and social care in the City.

We spoke to around 50 people at the Brunswick Square festival in Hove.

Some conversations were initiated by the team asking, “have you heard of Healthwatch and the work we do?”

Some people engaged in more extensive conversations about their views and experiences, which allowed the Healthwatch Brighton and Hove staff or volunteer to take some brief notes.

Conversation themes included views about the Emergency Department (A&E) at Royal Sussex, waiting for care, quality of care, and access to GP services.

We also offered a brief questionnaire which revealed people’s priorities for health and social care – the most commonly mentioned was helping people to be less isolated.

Additional priorities were making it easier to get a GP appointment, getting a dental appointment and reducing hospital waiting times.

From this brief engagement, recurring and somewhat expected concerns arose regarding the Emergency Department environment, difficulties in getting an NHS dentist, and waiting lists for treatments. Arguably less expected were concerns around helping people to be less isolated. Also evident was that once people were seen by a GP or consultant, they regarded this as receiving excellent care.

Read our report below.

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