Healthwatch Brighton and Hove - Annual Report 2022-23

We have published our Annual Report covering the period from April 2022 to March 2023, which highlights our work and achievements over the past year. Read how your stories have helped to deliver change.

“Healthwatch Brighton and Hove is an essential partner in our Sussex health and care system who enable the voices of people and communities across our city to be heard so that we can improve our health and care services to meet these needs."

Stephen Lightfoot, Chair of NHS Sussex

Highlights this year

  • 45 amazing volunteers contributed an estimated 4,500 hours of their time to support our work.
  • 16 reports published, and 34 recommendations made to improve health and social care  - based on your feedback shared with us.
  • 56 newsletters and bulletins issued and over 900 social media posts giving you information and updates about services.
  • 79 news articles about health and social care shared on our website.

We helped:

  • 240 people who contacted us via our helpline.
  • We engaged 851 people about GP access and appointments.
  • Overall, we engaged with nearly 2000 people this year!

Using your stories to deliver change:

  • We visited 95 people in their homes to ask them about the care they receive and their feedback was used to make improvements and appoint new providers.
  • We've fed your issues accessing NHS dentistry into a Parliamentary inquiry.
  • We've worked to ensure that your ideas to improve Non-Emergency Patient Transport are now reflected in the new contract. 
  • We worked with partners to make sure that your views are reflected in the city's new strategies for both Mental House and Digital Inclusion.
  • We worked with Brighton and Hove Switchboard to collect and escalate 120 LGBTQ+ patients’ experiences of using health and social care services.
  • We escalated your concerns and worked with the Friends, Families and Travellers charity to effectively contribute to the reversal of the plans to close public toilet facilities in the city.
  • We worked in partnership with our colleagues in Healthwatch East Sussex and Healthwatch West Sussex on dentistry, GP websites and Long-Covid.
  • And much more!

We attended:

  • 982 health and care meetings about health and social care services asking questions on your behalf and sharing your experiences so that those in charge understand the impacts of the decisions they make - and put the patient voice at the heart of the changes they make to health and social care.
HWE Award 2022


In 2022 we were shortlisted for a national award by Healthwatch England for our work supporting patients of New Larchwood GP surgery to overturn a decision to reduce opening hours. We were one of only 8 Healthwatch teams out of over 150 to be nominated.

Our project was "Highly Commended"

I have recently been appointed as Interim Chair for Healthwatch England until the end of March. Louise [Ansari] was talking to me about the Awards and the outstanding work your organisation has undertaken in the area of access to GP services and your organisations work in stopping the reduction in GP hours. I wanted to write to you on behalf of myself and the Healthwatch England Committee to congratulate you and your team on your success. We are very impressed with the work you have undertaken and the positive impact this has had on people who need to access services. This shows exactly why the Healthwatch Network is so important for people.

Belinda Black, Interim Chair Healthwatch England

Priorities for next year (2023/24)

We will align these to Brighton and Hove's Health and Wellbeing strategy and our Integrated Care System's "Improving Lives Together" strategy. These documents set out ambitious plans to deliver more joined up care and improve people's experiences of the care they receive.

By aligning our priorities, we can ensure that patients' voices will be at the heart of any changes that are made to deliver improved care.

Among our priorities areas are:

  • Children and Young People's health and wellbeing
  • Improving access to primary care (GPs and dentists)
  • Supporting our local Hospitals
  • Working to reduce health inequalities

But, we will continue to listen to everything patients tell us and escalate their concerns, even if these are not part of the stated priorities.

As an organisation, we will:

  • Work more in partnership with other voluntary and community groups
  • Work hard to raise our profile and the impacts of our work so more people share their stories with us
  • Continue to challenge and act as a ‘critical friend’ to the health and care system so that they continue to demonstrate how they have used patient feedback to deliver change. We will rely on our independence from the system to achieve this.

Praise for our work from the Brighton and Hove Health and Wellbeing Board, July 2023

In July, Healthwatch presented our Annual Report to the Health and Wellbeing Board where we received some good feedback:

Agenda item

Healthwatch Brighton & Hove Annual Report Presentation


"Jessica Sumner highlighted the importance of Healthwatch’s collaborative working and the value of its trusted methodology in amplifying the voice of patients and bringing the collective community experience together."

"Cllr West thanked Healthwatch for their work and recognised the quality of the report and the supportive endorsements."

"Rob Persey underpinned the role of Healthwatch in challenging the Council and holding them to account in a professional, constructive and challenging way."


Read our fulll Healthwatch Annual Report, 2023
Read out short Summary Annual Report

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