Healthwatch gets questions on dentistry raised in Parliament

Healthwatch has worked closely with Caroline Lucas MP's team in Brighton over the past year as she had a strong interest in what is happening to NHS dentistry. We have asked 21 questions of the Minister responsible for dentistry provision.

Read our 21 questions asked in Parliament about dentistry services

The questions contained in the attached document have been asked in Parliament by Caroline Lucas MP. These questions are based on your experiences which you have shared with us, and information we have gathered from other sources such as the South East Local Dental Committee, a group who represents dental practices in the area. Some of our questions seek further information on Government announcements. All of the questions are publicly available on the UK Parliament website.

We will continue to raise questions on your behalf and push for reform and better availability of NHS services.

Need help finding a dentist, or understanding your rights?

Where’s your nearest dentist?

Use the NHS website to search for a dentist near you. The site also provides information on which dental practices are currently accepting new patients, whether they offer urgent appointments, and how other people have rated the service.

All dentists have been old that they need to keep their information up to date on the NHS search facility, but people often tell us that these records aren't always kept updated, so you should contact the practice directly to find out more information. If the records are out of date, you should let the practice - and Healthwatch - know.

You can also visit a dentist outside your local area if it’s more convenient. For example, if you prefer to see a dentist near where you work.

Understanding your rights

Dentistry – A Healthwatch guide to your rights and accessing the treatment you need

Healthwatch across Sussex (Brighton & Hove, East Sussex and West Sussex) have worked together with local dental organisations on a detailed guide to help everyone get the treatment they need.

This explains:

  • The impact of COVID-19 on NHS dental appointments
  • The difference between NHS and private dental care
  • How to find and register with an NHS dentist
  • NHS dental charges and exemptions (correct as at June 2021)
  • How to feedback or complain about a dental service
  • Useful links and emergency dental services

Click here to read our guide

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