Healthwatch Brighton and Hove activity report covering May to June 2020

This performance report describes Healthwatch Brighton and Hove activities from May to June 2020.

This includes a summary of how we have continued to support patients and local health and social care services during the COVID-19 crisis, and an update on our regular and planned work.

Highlights from our work - May to June 2020

Patient feedback

  • We continued to receive questions, experiences, and feedback on services, particularly in relation to cancer and dental care. We provided advice, signposted, and shared information with city leaders.

Reports and Publications 

  • We issued 13 new Healthwatch reports, publications, guidance documents and specialist updates.

New Projects 

  • We worked with partners to design new projects for care homes and mental health to gather patient experiences so that these can be built into services as they restore and recover.


  • We launched our patient survey. This will give vital inteligence about people’s experiences of using services during lockdown and how they want services to look in the future.


  • We issued 32 separate updates to our 1,400 strong community which includes the public, MPs, Councillors, the media, community groups and the NHS.


  • Healthwatch received praise from city leaders, Healthwatch England, the press and the public for our work, guidance, and information sharing.


  • Our first ever Sussex wide cancer webinar was a huge success. 1,000 people reacted to the event and 100 registered.
  • A BBC interview helped to share vital messages.

Social Media

  • Facebook: we made 101 posts achieving a reach of over 16,700 with 1,300 engagements.
  • Twitter: we posted 44 Tweets that were shared or liked 108 times.

Young Healthwatch 

  • Young Healthwatch published their young persons sexual health report, with recommendations to enhance local services.

Hospital Discharge Wellbeing Project 

  • We shared details with the Healthwatch network, and it is now being rolled out across Sussex.


You can download the report here. If you need it in a different format, please contact us at or 01273 234 041

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