COVID-19: Positive comments and feedback received by Healthwatch

The COVID health crisis is understandably drawing public scrutiny and press attention. Local services and providers are facing unprecedented challenges and are adapting quickly to emerging issues.

Healthwatch is working closely with partners across the city to ensure that your experiences and concerns are fed into emergency planning arrangements.

At this time, we wanted to share some of the positive comments and feedback that Healthwatch has received.  These shine a spotlight on local services, revealing how well some of them have adapted. They also highlight the positive impact that Healthwatch has had.

How local services are successfully adapting

Despite the present difficulties, Healthwatch is receiving positive stories from patients, particularly around how well virtual and other alternatives to face-to-face consultations are working.

(1) Haematology at the Royal County. A patient told us that instead of a face to face appointment, the haematologist rang them with the results of their blood test and subsequently sent them a follow-up appointment for September, and a form for a blood test in advance of that appointment. The patient told us that they were very happy with the service.

(2) Counselling sessions being held virtually through the medium of Zoom (an online meeting format). The patient advised that they experienced no delay to their treatment as a result and were happy with the service.

(3) Neurotherapy being carried out online. The patient described how the physiotherapist demonstrated the exercises they needed to do, in turn watching what they were doing and providing feedback. The patient told us that this initially felt a little strange, but that they quickly adapted to this new approach. They told us that this was certainly better than having no treatment at all.

(4) Physiotherapy. Following a hip replaced 6 weeks ago, a patient’s follow-up was changed from a face to face appointment to a telephone call. The patient told us that they were happy with the result. They also received two online physiotherapy sessions where the physiotherapist demonstrated some exercises and answered their questions. The patient told us they were offered Skype (an online call service) and other online options for these consultations. They reported that there were plenty of exercises that they could access and complete remotely.

(5) Renal outpatients. Two patients told us that they were very happy with the telephone updates they received: the nurse specialist advised them that only complex clients were being invited to physically attend the clinic at present.

(6) Hospital discharge. Our new Healthwatch Wellbeing project (see below) is providing support to those who have recently been discharged from hospital to ensure they are receiving the support and follow-up care they need. One patient told us that they were hugely impressed with the amount of contact they had received from various sources. They told us they felt cared for and that their needs were being met.

Healthwatch: comments and feedback received on our activities.

Healthwatch is working with colleagues in the Council, NHS services and Clinical Commissioning Group to gather and deliver accurate, up-to-date information to our residents.

Healthwatch Covid-19 update (13/2/20)

“Thank you for posting this and helping to communicate the factual position which will help to further provide community assurance.” Senior Manager Brighton & Hove City Council

Healthwatch guide to health and social care (7/4/20)

“Dear Healthwatch B&H I just want to express my grateful thanks for the information on local services document you have prepared and distributed which I received through email yesterday. This is very helpful and answers various questions I had. Much appreciated. With good wishes and do keep well.” Member of the public


You can download the report here. If you need it in a different format, please contact us at or 01273 234041

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