Quarterly Intelligence Review - April 2019
We use intelligence to help inform our activities. We analyse feedback provided by the public and consider insight provided by other agencies to develop a picture of current health issues in Brighton and Hove. We then assess these issues using a prioritisation tool to identify those that we believe should be included in our workplan.
We used a combination of Public Health Brighton’s Joint Strategic Needs Assessments (JSNA) and analysis of our own data gathered from our Information line, online surveys and feedback provided by our volunteer representatives attending strategic meetings to identify these priorities.
Current Priorities
- Obesity
- Mental health
- Sexual health
- End of life care
- Cancer treatment and screening
- Dementia
- Multiple Long term Conditions (MLTC)
- Older person falls and hip fractures
- GP Service
- Dental Service
- A&E
Not listed in order of priority. For full details read the review.
You can download the report here, but if you need this report in a different format,
please contact us at:
01273 234 041