Users Perspectives on the Patient Transport Service

Perspectives of Renal Outpatient Department patients at the Royal Sussex County Hospital in Brighton.


Patients at the Renal Outpatient Department, Royal Sussex County Hospital, who
had used the Patient Transport Service (PTS) were interviewed in September using
a structured questionnaire.

Patients were asked a series of questions evaluating the quality of the service across different time periods, and invited to share their personal experiences of the service.


Patients reported that the PTS performed extremely poorly in the initial months (April to July 2016) when Coperforma took over the contract.

Nearly all patients who used the service in this period reported pickup failures, long delays and a poor quality service. A number of patients described the situation in this period as “chaotic”. Patients reported some improvements in overall performance since August. Nevertheless only two thirds were satisfied and most people still noted ongoing significant issues particularly with the Saturday service. Key issues identified by patients about their current service were the following:

  • Delays commonly experienced on Saturdays when private taxi firms were used.
  • Poor customer service from some taxi drivers.
  • Lack of understanding about health and care needs, and lack of empathy from some taxi driver.
  • Lack of continuity in drivers.
  • Delays in services to return home.
  • Difficulties in contacting the control centre to get information when problems arose.
  • In sharp contrast to the above concerns, the Medi4 transport service was praised for efficiency and professionalism.

Satisfaction levels during 2016 reflect this mixed pattern of performance, with 67% satisfaction before April when the contract was being delivered by South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SECAmb).

However from April until the end of July, the initial period of Coperforma delivering the service, nearly 80% of patients rated the service unsatisfactory.

Satisfaction levels recovered from the very low level of 8% in this initial period to 42% in August and September 2016.


You can download the report here, but if you need it in a different format, please contact us at:

01273 234 041

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