Patients Perspectives of the Royal Sussex County Hospital Outpatient's Departments, July 2016

In June 2016 Healthwatch Brighton and Hove agreed with the Chief Executive Officer of the Brighton and Sussex University Hospital Trust (BSUH) to conduct a review of some of the outpatient departments (OPD) at the Royal Sussex County Hospital


Subsequent to Healthwatch fieldwork, the CQC identified the following problems in OPD in its published report:


  • Inadequate storage of medical records. Notes not always stored securely and around 4,500 records going missing each month.
  • Breaches of confidentiality were observed in waiting areas when individual circumstances were discussed within earshot of patients.


  • Required standards of cleanliness were not consistently met. Stained curtains and dust and debris were visible in some areas.
  • Cleaning checklists were not visible in a number of treatment rooms.
  • Hand hygiene audit scores were below the required standard.

Patient relations

  • Inconsistent levels of caring and compassionate care delivered by staff. Patients not always treated with dignity and respect. 
  • Staff did not always consider the privacy of patients.
  • Staff did not always introduce themselves to patients.

Waiting times and handling of enquiries

  • Failure to meet England standard for referral to treatment times (RTT) and also failed to meet cancer waiting and treatment times.
  • Higher than national average of cancellation of operations.
  • Call centre data indicated almost half of all calls made by patients had been abandoned and unanswered.


You can download the report here. If you need it in a different formate please contact us at:


Overview Report
Executive Summary of the report
Ear Nose and Throat, including Audiometry
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