Healthwatch Brighton and Hove - Annual Report 2016

Our Annual Report for the period to March 2016.

The value we bring

The theme for this year's Annual Report is ‘the value we bring’, and in Brighton and Hove we have delivered extra value through our volunteers, partnerships and collaborative work.

We have listened to and spoken up for people who sometimes struggle to be heard.
Most of all we have influenced decision-makers on a wide range of health and social care issues, including:

  • proposals made by Healthwatch Brighton and Hove to improve the Urgent Care Centre in the A&E Department at the Royal Sussex County Hospital (RSCH) have been incorporated into their modernization plans – work starts in July 2016;
  • an investment of £2 million in a building project to improve the Eye Hospital at the RSCH, prompted by an PLACE Report from Healthwatch Brighton and Hove;
  • plans to improve GP practices across the city have been influenced and informed by local Healthwatch alongside local people and community leaders


You can download the report here. If you need it in a different format, please contact us at or 01273 234 041.

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