Enter and View Report: Rottingdean Nursing and Care Home

This report was part of a combination of six reports, by combining all six reports they will create an overall report which will be shared with the council, looking at how people would like to spend their time in our local social care services.

Results of Visit 

Spending time with other people 

  • The residents that we spoke to, all felt that Rottingdeam were friendly, chatty and approachable. 
  • Staff who came in and out of the communcal areas asked residents about activities and their wellbeing, and the representatives felt that the atmosphere was warm and relaxed in the communal spaces 

They know me very well and my funny ways

Things to do 

  • The activities coordinator works 4 days a week and creates a plan of things for the residents to do in monthly rotations.
  • Almost all residents know who the activities coordinator is and how to reach her.

Cheryl arranges activities. We watch sports on TV, and activities such as 'sticking' I
like that. I go to bingo with my daughter sometimes


  • On a scale of 1 to 10, the average score from the residents was 8.6.
  • No residents had any specific examples of activities they would like to do but are currently not doing, but some did refer to activities they did before they went to the care home that could be recreated within it, like light gardening or visiting a local football match.


1.Ensure activities plans are available in larger fonts to ensure accessibility.

2.Staff to encourage more resident to socialise with one another, as well as with staff members. Things like board games and other joint activities might assist with this.

3.Conduct a brief review of residents to double check that they are happy with the activities currently provided, and ask if there is anything else they would like to do.

4.Create a clear plan to ensure all residents are given regular opportunities to join in with activities, even if they usually do not want to participate.

5.Consider putting photos of residents and staff in communal areas to create a stronger sense of homeliness for residents.


You can download the report here. If you need it in a different formate please contact us at: 


01273 234 041

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