Putting the Pieces Together: An overview of people's experiences of CAMHS services in Brighton and Hove

Over the last year we have heard talk of dissatisfaction and frustration about the local CAMHS service, therefore this led us to look into it in more detail

What came out of the report was 8 recommendation on how to improve the service these being: 

1. Send a clear memo to GP practices in Brighton and Hove, informing them about the services that are available and how to refer to them appropriately

2. That when a young person enters CAMHS services, they receive an information pack which includes an explanation of the service, their rights around changing therapist or making a complaint, what is expected from them, and a list of community and voluntary sector organisation which offer support to young people with mental health issues.

3. Review diagnosis procedures to ensure a more multi-disciplinary team approach, which includes the young person and their carer(s) as often as possible.

4. CAMHS should review their assessment criteria to meet the needs of children with wide ranging symptoms mild impairments on the Autism Spectrum.

5. Prioritise having a consistent therapist for young people, and allow them access to information about how to request a change of therapist if the relationship is not developing.

6. Review the effectiveness of parenting skills courses verses therapeutic interventions for parent carers, and adjust the service accordingly.

7. Make sure young people and those who support them are aware of all the current crisis options, and review the out of hours support available to see if there are gaps.

8. Create a comprehensive policy around transition to adult mental health services, which includes A formal hand over of notes, a plan for transition to be acted on, and a reminder of extra resources available during this difficult time.



You can download the report here. If you need it in a different formate please contact us at office@healthwatchbrightonandhove.co.uk or 01273234041

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