Urgent Health Care Services

Healthwatch Brighton and Hove conducted a survey of urgent care services in the area, which included pharmacy, GP Surgeries, Brighton Station Health Centre, GP Out of Hours Service, NHS 111, Emergency Dental Service, Accident & Emergency

The Overall Recommendations Made: 

The suggestions that people made to improve the service were wide ranging, and often specific to the service in question. However, some wider themes have emerged through the different sections 

  • Promote the full range of services which are available to people besides their GP Surgery and A&E services. A large proprotion of people are still unaware of the 111 service, out of hours dentists and GPs, and that there are GP and pharamcy service, out of hours dentists and GPs, and that there are GP and pharmacy services open late in different locations around the city. One way of approaching this could be the card scheme. 
  • Explain to service users why a longer waiting time has occurred, and how long they can expect the wait to be. Over a range of services people felt much happier and more comfortable if they were kept informed about waiting times.
  • Be clear about what people can expect from a service. Many were not aware about all the functions different services could provide, and as a result were using inappropriate urgent care services.


You can download the report here. If you have need it in a different formate please contact us at office@healthwatchbrightonandhove.co.uk or 01273234041

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