CQC Report: School House Surgery, December 2024

Read the latest Care Quality Commission report on School House Surgery.
Several older adults sat together

This was the first assessment for this practice following their registration under a new provider in December 2022. 

Care Quality Commission (CQC) assessed all key questions and all quality statements. At this assessment, they rated the practice requires improvement overall. This is because they found two breaches of regulation - safe care and treatment, and good governance. 

Staff did not always assess risks to people's health and mitigate them where identified. The practice did not always ensure medicines and treatments were safe and met people’s needs. The practice also did not always have clear governance processes for identifying and managing all risks, issues and performance. 

However, CQC recognised there had been improvements to the practice under the management of the new provider, and staff feedback was positive about working at the practice. As some of these changes were recent or yet to be made, the provider was unable to evidence they were embedded. CQC have asked the provider for an action plan in response to the concerns found at this assessment.

People's experience of this service

People were mostly positive about the care and treatment they received at the practice in the last 12 months. Feedback received directly to CQC and recent survey results, including from the National GP Patient Survey and the NHS Friends and Family Test, showed people were satisfied with services. 

There was an active patient participation group who represented a group of practices in the local primary care network. They had regular events and told CQC that their key priority was to encourage patient engagement, as a low number of patients represented School House Surgery.

The latest rating for this service is "Requires Improvement".

Read the full report