Tell us your experiences of adult social care services
Healthwatch in Sussex routinely carries out short polls to gather the views of people about local health and social care services. This month, we’d like to hear from people who have had experience with adult social care in the last 12 months, or from their relatives, carers or friends, about their experience.
This poll will only take a few minutes to complete and your personal data is protected and treated securely. It closes at Midnight on Friday 29 November 2024.
Adult social care
Adult social care covers a wide range of activities that help people who are older, or living with disability or physical or mental illness, to live independently and stay well and safe.
Support can include help with daily living, for example getting washed, dressed, and using the toilet. It might involve help to prepare and eat a meal, do the shopping and clean the house. It can also provide help to go out, see friends, do leisure activities or work.
Adult social care services include paid carers in the home, support workers in the community, supported accommodation, Extra Care schemes, and residential or nursing care homes.
You can find more information via the NHS here.
Healthwatch in Sussex, as the local independent champion for health and care, would like to hear about your lived experience.
Please tell us:
- What type of support you receive/received
- How does your social care enable you to live an active, healthy life
- Whether you know about self-funding care options.
*Please note that the poll should only be completed by social care service users and/or their friends/family carers only.
If you would like assistance or require a different format, please contact us via: or call 0300 012 0122
Thank you for taking part!