CQC Report: Arlington House, June 2024

This assessment was planned in response to concerns the CQC received about the management of medicines and care delivery at the service.
They found one breach of the legal regulations in relation to systems of quality monitoring and governance. Governance systems and audits were not in place, and had not identified or addressed areas for improvement. The CQC also found further areas of practice that needed improvement in relation to the assessment of risks, the management of medicines, person centred care planning and formal systems to support staff.
The rating of this service has changed from good to requires improvement, however, people told the CQC that they were happy and well cared for. Safeguarding concerns were raised as required. Staff knew how to identify and raise concerns and liaised with relevant external professionals and stakeholders. Staff knew how to support people with their health conditions. There was enough staff to support people to remain safe. Staff had the skills and knowledge they needed to provide people with safe care. Staff had also undertaken equality and diversity training and told the CQC that diversity was valued at the service.
They have asked the provider for an action plan in response to the concerns found at this assessment.
People's experience of this service
While the people the CQC spoke with expressed that they were generally happy with their care, assessment found elements of care did not meet the expected standards.
People and their relatives were happy with the service. They told the CQC that their health and social needs were monitored and met. People reported that they felt safe and well cared for and they were able to speak up if they had concerns. People and relatives also said the staff were kind and caring, and the service was well managed. CQC observations included using the Short Observational Framework for Inspection (SOFI). SOFI is a way of observing care to help better understand the experience of people who could not talk with the CQC.
The latest rating for this service is "Requires Improvement".