CQC Report: Grove Park, October 2024
Grove Park is a hospital that consists of two nursing units which provides nursing and personal care for up to 62 older people with complex needs, and an acute inpatient mental health service for adults of working age.
At this assessment, CQC only assessed the nursing units and there were 62 people living there. CQC carried out an on-site assessment in January and February 2024. They looked at 21 quality statements within the key questions of Safe, Effective, Caring and Well led.
Following their January/February visits, CQC identified that:
- Risks to people were not adequately identified and managed. Incidents affecting people’s health and welfare were not managed safely.
- Staff failed to understand their responsibilities under safeguarding with respect to identifying potential abuse, escalation and reporting concerns.
- Blanket measures designed to keep people safe were restrictive to some people. Medicines were not always managed safely or in line with current guidance.
- As required medicine (PRN) protocols and care plans failed to provide guidance to staff on when it was appropriate to administer a particular medicine or associated risks.
- Staff did not always receive effective training or support to monitor and improve learning and practice.
- Staff did not always respond to people's calls in a timely manner. Some staff felt supported by managers, however, others disagreed.
- Existing leadership and governance measures were not effective in identifying service shortfalls and failed to assess, monitor and mitigate risks relating to health, safety and welfare for people.
- There were indications of a closed culture at Grove Park. A closed culture is a poor culture in health and social care that increases the risk of harm.
The rating given to Grove Park following these visits was "Inadequate"
People's experience of this service
People told CQC that they could talk to staff and most felt safe living in the service. One person expressed concern about people coming into their room uninvited. Some people told CQC that staff do not always respond to calls quickly. One person told CQC that staff did not always consider their preferences to maintain control and independence. Relatives told CQC they felt people were safe and well looked after.
Healthwatch raised this report with Brighton and Hove City Council. We learnt that the CQC report, which was published in October 2024, related to visits conducted eight months earlier, in January and February. Since this time, the provider has been taking action to address CQC's concerns.
Follow-on report, November 2024
An updated report was published by the CQC showing that some improvements have been made.