Brighton & Hove Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report 2023/24

The Brighton & Hove Safeguarding Adults Board (BHSAB) Annual Report for 2023/24 has been published with a message from their newly appointed Independent Chair, Seona Douglas.
People walking along the Brighton beachfront.

The Annual Report highlights that all partners of the Board have continued to deliver services, provide care and support to people, and are responding to the changing safeguarding needs and risks that occur, in what can be described as challenging times for public services, and post COVID19. 

This document details the work that has been undertaken, and outcomes that have been achieved. A major emphasis for the Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) is identifying the impact of the work undertaken for the people living in Brighton and Hove, how they can ensure that they hear the voice of those who are requiring protection from risk and harm, and how partners work together with people to ensure they are safe to live a fulfilling life. 

The Report also provides some feedback from people linked with safeguarding adults.

Chief Executive Officer of Healthwatch Brighton and Hove, Alan Boyd, comments:

"Healthwatch has continued to play a key role in supporting our city’s overall approach to safeguarding. As well as working closely with the SAB, over the last year, our Healthwatch representative, Brigid Day, has continued to act in the capacity of Chair of the SAR subgroup. Brigid’s role delivers independent scrutiny of the Group’s work.

"Recommendations from two published SARs in 2023-24 have focussed on developments which aim to improve professional practice and the experiences of people who use services and people with safeguarding needs. Recommendations from previous reviews are also in development. My thanks to Brigid for her continued dedication to her role as Chair of the SAR subgroup."


Download and read the full Annual Report.