Mental Health Rehabilitation & Supported Housing Survey
Sussex Partnership is exploring options to improve the way community mental health rehabilitation services are provided in Sussex to better meet the needs of local communities.
They would like to hear from service users, carers and communities via survey about how they can develop a supported housing model and how this could benefit the community and those who use their services and their rehabilitation pathway.
This survey will only take a few minutes to complete and your personal data is protected and treated securely. The survey closes on Saturday 31st August 2024.
To help you complete this survey, Sussex Partnership have provided a Glossary of terms and a summary of some of the key words and language they've used:
- Clinical - observation, assessment and treatment by healthcare professionals.
- Supported housing - accommodation provided alongside support, supervision and/or care to help people live as independently as possible in the community. People have tenancy agreements.
- Community rehabilitation services - assessment, advice and tailored rehabilitation support in settings outside of acute hospitals to improve people's health and wellbeing.
- Integrated supported housing model - supported housing which provides specific clinical care to people alongside additional support to help them to manage their day-to-day living and promote their independence.
- Delayed discharge - when a person who is clinically ready to be discharged from hospital but there are delays preventing them from being discharged.
You do not need to provide your name or contact details to take part in this survey, and your response is anonymous.
Thank you for taking part!