Share Your Experiences of Eye Tests
Healthwatch routinely carries out short surveys to gather the views of people about health and social care services. This month we want to hear about your experiences of having your eyes tested.
Our survey will only take a few minutes to complete and your personal data is protected and treated securely. The survey closes at midnight on Wednesday 28th August 2024.
Eye Tests
Eye tests play a huge part in making sure your eyes stay healthy. The NHS recommends you should have your eyes tested every two years (more often if advised by your ophthalmic practitioner or optometrist). A detailed explanation of NHS eye tests is available on the NHS website.
Healthwatch in Sussex, as the local independent champion for health and care, would like to hear about any experience you have of having an eye test in the last two years. Tell us:
- Whether you have/have not had a recent eye test?
- What was the experience like?
- Is there anything you would change to make your eye test better?
If you would like assistance or require a different format, please contact us via: or call 0300 012 0122
Thank you for taking part!