Patient survey reveals 75% satisfaction with GP services in Sussex

A national survey on people’s experiences with GP surgeries, dentists, and pharmacies has revealed that 75% of respondents are satisfied with their GP service in Sussex.
A pen and stethoscope on top of documents

The GP Patient Survey is an independent survey run by Ipsos on behalf of NHS England, which gathers feedback from patients about their experiences of primary care, including access to appointments, ease of contacting their practice, and whether their needs were met.

In Sussex, over 17,800 people participated in the survey, with 31% rating their overall experience at their general practice as fairly good, and 43% describing their experience as very good.

The survey also explored access to services, asking participants about their experiences of contacting their practice, with 67% saying they had a good experience by phone, online or by using the NHS App and the vast majority (90%) said they felt they had their needs met by their surgery at their last visit.

Amy Galea, Chief Integration and Primary Care Officer for the NHS in Sussex, expressed her enthusiasm about the results:

“We’re very pleased to see overall positive picture for our practices in Sussex, with three-quarters of patients rating their experience as good. Some individual practices have received scores as high as 98% for patient satisfaction, which is outstanding and a testament to the hard work and dedication of our teams.

“However, we know there is still work to be done. Primary care services are busier than ever, and people are sometimes having to wait longer than we would like for an appointment or may struggle to get through on the phone. Continuing to improve access to services is a key focus for us in the coming year, and we will be supporting our practices to increase the number of available appointments.”

Nationally, 74% of people who took part in the survey said their overall experience of their GP practice was good.

For more information or to see how your GP practice is doing, visit the GP Patient Survey's website.

The survey was redeveloped this year, which means results cannot be compared to previous years. More information about this can be found online: GP Patient Survey – Prepublicationdocuments (

Read the original article here:

 NHS Sussex

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