Annual GP Patient Survey

Healthwatch England responds to this year's GP Patient Survey.
Man in GP surgery

NHS England has published their annual GP Patient Survey. 

Key highlights 

Three quarters, 74%, of patients reported a good overal experience of GP practice. Older people and people from African ethnic groups were most likely to report positive experience, while carers, people living in the most deprived areas, Disabled people, and those from Bangladeshi and Gypsy or Irish Traveller backgrounds reported less positive experiences. 

Almost all respondents felt their needs were met at their last appointment and felt involved in decisions about their care. 86.7% felt listened to at their last appointment. 

Despite this, the survey found some worrying trends: 

  • 38.2% of respondents found booking over the phone difficult
  • 37.1% found booking through their GP website difficult
  • 39.4% found booking through the NHS App difficult
  • 41.2% were not offered a choice of time, day or location for their most recent appointment
  • 33.2% waited over a week from first contacting their practice until their appointment. 

Commenting on the annual GP Patient Survey, Will Pett, head of policy and research at Healthwatch England said: 

“While access to GP appointments is the most common issue people contact us about, the challenges facing GP teams are also well reported. Today’s results are a stark reminder of the support and resources staff will need to improve access for people in England.

"The findings showing poor experiences for one in five people when booking appointments are mirrored in feedback to Healthwatch all over the country. 

"This is also the case with data showing four in ten people not given choices over where their appointments take place and at what time. And though it is positive that 90% of people felt their needs were met, more than one in three felt they waited too long for an appointment.

“We are calling for people to be given real choices when booking appointments and for GP numbers to be made free to call. We would like to see more help given to get people to and from appointments, so that cost is never a barrier and access can be as easy as possible for everyone."

“Hiring more administrative staff and care navigators is also vital. This will help people to book appointments, manage their referrals and prescriptions, and enable GP teams to keep online services open 24/7.”

Other findings: pharmacy and dental care 

Pharmacy findings:

  • 86.8% of patients reported a good overall experience of their local pharmacy – 86.8%

Dentistry findings:

  • 69.2% of patients reported a good overall experience of their NHS dental team
  • 19.5% of patients described their experience as poor
  • 26.5% of patients tried but could not get an NHS dental appointment in the last two years
  • 26.8% of patients who haven’t tried to get an NHS dental appointment prefered to go private
  • 24.7% of patients who haven’t tried to get an NHS dental appointment didn’t think they could get one. 

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