CQC Report: Asher Nursing Home, April 2024

Read the latest Care Quality Commission report on Asher Nursing Home.
Social care worker helping woman.

CQC carried out this assessment as a follow-up on previous enforcement action they had taken against the service. Previously, CQC were concerned about people’s safety, especially around fire risks and infection prevention and control (IPC). They also had previous concerns that the home was not well-led and managerial oversight was lacking. During this assessment, CQC found that significant improvements had been made and the service is no longer in special measures.

People told CQC they felt safe at Asher. They spoke positively about the changes that had been made and how the improvements have impacted their lives. They told CQC that Asher was a much nicer place to live with a better atmosphere. Relatives also spoke of how pleased they were that changes had been made. Comments included, ‘I like it here very much’, ‘I’m happy here at the moment’, ‘Staff are doing their best’ and ‘There has been a marked improvement in presentation and cleanliness’.

Although many improvements had been made at the service, these needed time to be embedded in day to day practice to ensure they are effective and further improvement can be driven going forward.

The latest rating for this service is "Requires Improvement".

Read the full report

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