Share your experience of using eConsult to get advice or help from your GP

Healthwatch in Sussex is the local independent watchdog for health and care and we would like to hear about your most recent experience of eConsult, including what works well and where it could be improved.
Doctor smiling with patient in GP office.

Healthwatch routinely carries out surveys to gather the views of people about health and social care services. More consultations are moving to be available online (rather than via traditional methods such as face-to-face or by phone), and this month we’re keen to understand your experiences of using eConsult.

Our survey will only take a few minutes to complete and your personal data is protected and treated securely. Any information that you give will be held in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018. You can read our privacy policy here.

What is eConsult?
eConsult is a free online platform that allows you to get help and advice from your NHS GP practice. You can use it to let a GP know about any symptoms you're having, ask a question or follow up about something. This could be either your own health or on behalf of someone you care for. 
Healthwatch in Sussex is the local independent watchdog for health and care and we would like to hear about your most recent experience of eConsult, including what works well and where it could be improved.

Tell Us:
- How useful eConsult is for you
- Whether eConsult meets your needs?
- What you'd improve?

Complete our short survey here

Thank you!

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