Healthwatch response to news on NHS strikes

Doctors’ leaders have struck a deal with ministers that could end the strikes by hospital consultants that have badly disrupted NHS care for months.

Responding to the news that Government has reached an agreement with medical unions in England, which if accepted, could end consultant strikes, Alan Boyd, Chief Executive Officer of Healthwatch Brighton and Hove said:

"It's good news for patients and the wider public that both parties have potentially reached a resolution.

"Industrial action is not the only issue affecting patients. However, the combination of existing capacity issues, record waiting lists and strike action has led to over one million cancelled operations and appointments in the past year.

"In Healthwatch England's poll of patients affected by cancelled care since the start of 2023, two-thirds reported negative consequences on their lives, including ongoing pain, worsening mental health, worsening symptoms, and disrupted sleep.

“An end to industrial action will mean that the NHS can do more to bring down record waiting lists and support patients while they wait.”


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