CQC Report: Lavender House, November 2023

Read the latest Care Quality Commission report on Lavender House.
Care worker standing next to table of people sitting.

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) carried out an unannounced inspection at Lavender House on 17 October 2023. Overall, the practice was rated as "Good." The last rating for this service was good overall (published 23 December 2017), but the key question 'well-led' was rated 'requires improvement'. This was because at their last inspection the CQC found the provider did not always operate their established quality monitoring systems effectively, which was discussed with them at the time.

To get to the heart of patients’ experiences of care and treatment, the CQC ask the following 5 questions:

• Is it safe? Rated as Good

• Is it effective? Rated as Good

• Is it caring? Rates as Good

• Is it responsive to people’s needs? Rated as Good

• Is it well-led? Rated as Good

Summary of the findings

Lavender House is a residential care home providing personal care and support to up to 18 people. The service provides support to people with mental health care needs. At the time of the inspection there were 18 people using the service who were all accommodated in 1 adapted building.

  • At their last inspection they found the provider had not always operated their quality monitoring systems effectively, which the CQC discussed with the provider at that time. At this inspection they found the provider had taken enough appropriate action to improve how their governance systems were managed.
  • People living in the care home and various community mental health, medical and social care professionals they contacted all spoke positively about Lavender House. A person told them, "I am very happy living here. The managers and staff are all lovely and really do know how to take care me, especially when I'm feeling emotionally unwell." A community health care professional added, "Lavender House is a very good service and people living there receive good care and support. They [staff] work very well with them and are always calm, caring, and competent."
  • People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests; the policies and systems in the service supported this practice.
  • The service was adequately staffed by people whose suitability and fitness to work at the care home had been thoroughly assessed.
  • People were kept safe and were confident any concerns they raised would be listened to. Staff understood how to safeguard people.
  • People were cared for and supported by staff who knew how to manage risks they might face.
  • The premises was kept clean and staff followed current best practice guidelines regarding the prevention and control of infection including, those associated with COVID-19.
  • Medicines systems were well-organised, and people received their prescribed medicines as and when they should.
  • People living in the care home, community mental health and social care professionals, and staff working there were all complimentary about the way the service was managed, and how approachable the managers were.
  • The provider promoted an open and inclusive culture which sought the views of people living at the care home, their relatives, community care professionals and staff.
  • The provider worked in close partnership with various community mental health and social care professionals and agencies to plan and deliver people's packages of care and support.

Read the full report here

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