Help shape the future of ambulance services - join a new patient forum

A new patient forum has been created to hear your views about 999 and 111 services

Join a new Ambulance (999 and 111) patient forum

SEAcamb respond to 999 calls from the public, urgent calls from healthcare professionals and provide NHS 111 services across the region.

They want to give the public a greater voice in shaping our ambulance trust’s future and so are calling on members of the public to help them achieve their aim by joining a new Community Forum.

The forum will allow people within our region to share their experiences and views about our 999 and 111 services.

The Trust’s Patient Engagement Lead, Victoria Baldock said:

“It is really important to us that we shape the service to the needs of our patients and to ensure we are doing this, it is essential that they have a voice and an opportunity to share their views and suggestions.”

The forum will not only allow patients and members of the public an opportunity to share their views, it will also allow them to learn more about the service with guest speakers providing forum members with the opportunity to hear first-hand the work we are going to improve patient care.

Alan Boyd, CEO of Healthwatch Brighton and Hove said:

"We fully support this new patient engagement forum being introduced by South East Coast Ambulance Service. Hearing directly from patients is the best way to understand what matters most to them - and to learn where, and how, improvements can be made."

How to join.

These events will be held bi-monthly, with the inaugural meeting taking place virtually on Wednesday, 27 September from 19.00 to 20.30.

If you would like to join our forum, please email

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