Help transform drug and alcohol services for trans, non-binary and intersex people via survey

Please fill in this TransSober community-led research survey if you are part of the TNBI community to transform drug and alcohol services.
Graphic of people with speech bubbles.

"TransSober need your help in our important work transforming drug and alcohol services for trans and non-binary people!


Extremely little research exists in this area. We know from experience that people from the TNBI community often struggle to find support, and their needs can differ from LGBTQI+ as a whole. 

This research will help us shape our organisation and services to ensure we offer the best possible support to the community. 

It will also inform our work with larger established mainstream support organisations to help them understand the unique needs of TNBI people, the impact this can have on their drug & alcohol use, and the barriers to accessing their services. 

Who is behind this research? 

TransSober provides a range of drug and alcohol peer support services for trans, non-binary and intersex people. We have teamed up with Zest Psychology to conduct this research. We understand the importance of community led research. All responses will be completely anonymous. 

What next? 
We will collate and analyse the data from the survey and produce a free-to-view, accessible document of our findings. 
Please click here to take part 

Please share this with anyone you know from the TNBI community to help us improve drug and alcohol services."

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