Help improve heart failure services in Sussex via survey

NHS Sussex want to improve their heart failure services so that people can access high-quality care across the whole of Sussex. Please give your views via short survey.
Three people with speech bubbles.

NHS Sussex Heart Failure Survey

For adults living with heart failure and those who care for them.

"About this survey

We want to improve our heart failure services so that people can access high-quality care across the whole of Sussex. To help us make the right changes, we’re keen to understand your experiences and hear what you think a good service would look like. Sussex Health and Care brings together hospital and community NHS Trusts, general practices, social care, and others to plan and deliver services that meet the needs of the people of Sussex.

Survey deadline

If you live with heart failure or are a carer or family member of someone who does, please complete the following survey by 8th September 2023 and let us know your thoughts."

You can either complete the survey online here or via the download link below and post it to the following address:

FAO: Matthew Moors – Public Involvement Team, FREEPOST RTUZECYG-ERRK, NHS Sussex ICB, Wicker House, Worthing, BN11 1DJ



Sussex Heart Failure Survey

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