NHS Sussex and Healthwatch announce new role

NHS Sussex and Healthwatch in Sussex announce a new role supporting our strategy for Improving Lives Together
Image of Katrina Broadhill

Healthwatch in Sussex and NHS Sussex are pleased to announce a new role which has been created from 9th May to support collaboration between Healthwatch in Sussex and NHS Sussex. The role will be delivered by Katrina Broadhill.

Katrina’s role will function as an intermediary to Healthwatch Brighton and Hove, Healthwatch East Sussex, Healthwatch West Sussex and NHS Sussex, and provide a single route to Healthwatch for all key programmes of work, both strategically and operationally; the role will also provide a link to Sussex Health and Care – the Sussex Integrated Care System.  The role will support communication between Healthwatch and NHS Sussex, and facilitate the direct provision of insight from local Healthwatch into NHS Sussex programmes of work.

The role will add value to Sussex wide Healthwatch work whilst recognising the independence of the three local Healthwatch teams who will continue to lead on place-based work.

A summary of the role is provided below and over the coming months Healthwatch and NHS Sussex will be working in partnership to agree its immediate priorities.

Tom Gurney, Chief Communications Officer, NHS Sussex, said

I very much welcome the development of this new Sussex wide role that builds on the existing constructive relationships NHS Sussex holds with our three Healthwatch organisations. Healthwatch play a critical role in helping the voice of local people to be heard and we are committed to continuing to strengthen how we work together. Katrina brings a breadth of knowledge and experience to this role, and I am sure her contribution to both NHS Sussex and to Healthwatch will ensure positive impact in our ongoing work, and in ensuring we continue to benefit from wider Healthwatch activity and involvement.”

Katrina Broadhill – Liaison Lead

“I am passionate about creating a fairer and more equitable society. Whilst this has always been a personal value, it has become more important to me since my teenage daughter has opened up about her neuro-diverse challenges.

Originally, I chose to have a career in HR management but when my son was born back in 2000, I took the opportunity to study Health and Social Care, coming away with a 1:1 BSc degree. I had initially wanted to be a social worker, but I was drawn to the community and voluntary sector. My experience and learning enabled me to get a senior management role for an independent living centre, and I was able to work directly with people who had long-term disabilities. Together, we developed some innovative support services, including enhanced direct payments support, financial services and a community café supporting people with learning disabilities. During this time, I was also fortunate to train as a Prince II practitioner, and have since developed my project management experience.

After ten years in this role, I had gained a sound understanding of health and care from a lived experience point of view. When my family moved to West Sussex, I decided to put my energies into supporting local residents. I started working for a local Healthwatch in 2014 as a Service Manager, and latterly as the Chief Officer. These roles exposed me to the complexities of the NHS and a whole new language! Over the last nine years I have worked both strategically and operationally to support a greater understanding of people’s experiences of health and care, to help decision-makers and service providers to understand what works well for people, where there are gaps and what needs to change to create better health access and outcomes.

From May 2023, I have a new role, supporting the collaboration between Healthwatch in Sussex, NHS Sussex and the Sussex Integrated Care System (ICS) where there is value and a need to work Sussex-wide, whilst recognising the independence of Healthwatch.

As an intermediary to Healthwatch Brighton and Hove, Healthwatch East Sussex, Healthwatch West Sussex and NHS Sussex, this role gives our integrated care system a single route to Healthwatch for all Sussex-wide activities, simplifying and sharing communication and provision of Healthwatch insight.”

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