Stay Strong, Steady and Independent 17 – 30 April

Find activities to help you stay strong, stay steady and stay independent this April
People exercising

From the age of 30 our muscle strength and balance starts to decrease, and this increases our risk of having a life-changing fall. In fact, one in 3 people over 65 will have a life-changing fall this year.

The good news is that you can reduce this risk with just 10 to 20 minutes of strength and balance activity at least twice a week.

To help you find an activity that can support you and that you enjoy, Public Health Brighton & Hove are running a two-week programme of taster sessions for anyone aged 50+ in Brighton & Hove.

Stay Strong, Stay Steady, Stay Independent is a programme of local events running from Monday 17 to Sunday 30 April to raise awareness of the importance of strength and balance exercises to help people stay independent and age well.

Book a taster session to support healthy ageing

The programme will showcase low cost, organised instructor-led sessions in venues across the city and online, with a choice of drop in and bookable events.

Over the fortnight, you'll have the chance to try out dance, fitness, Zumba, table tennis, Thai Chi, yoga, Boccia and more. There are also opportunities to meet others for a chat, and for those you care for to be looked after. There really is something for everyone.

Not sure what to try out, try Active Forever

If you’re not sure what activities you want to try, you can pop along to Active Forever on Wednesday 19 April, between 10am and 1pm. The council’s Healthy Lifestyles team will be there to show you a range of activities or for you to discuss your health and wellbeing. You can also pick up a brochure or talk to someone about the other events going on.

Find out more

You can see the full list of activities available at or pick up a programme from a library near you, available from 20th of March . You can also contact the Ageing Well service on 01273 322947 for more information.

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