Sexual health unmet need project

Terrence Higgins Trust, the UK’s leading HIV and sexual health charity, are conducting a research project regarding unmet need in sexual health, which involves a survey and individual interviews.
Sexual health unmet  need project

The Terrence Higgins Trust are researching an unmet need in sexual health and how this unmet need relates to social and structural inequalities

  • Where does unmet need exist?
  • Who is most likely to experience unmet need

What does the project involve?


  • 20-30 minutes long 
  • Reward is entry into prize draw (3 x £100 voucher and luxury hamper) 
  • Question areas include: Demographics, sexual wellbeing, STIs and access to services & information

2.Individual interviews 

  • 60-90 minutes long 
  • Each person paid £25 
  • Online (Zoom) or face-to-face 
  • Question covering sexual health needs and experience of services


They are trying to make it as easy as possible for everyone to take part. 

  • Easy read & translated versions of the survey 
  • Paper copies of survey where needed 
  • Community language & sign language interpreters available for interviews 
  • Can bring along a support person to the interview 
  • Extra time & breaks during the interview 
  • Interviews to take place online / accessible locations

Why The Terrence Higgins Trust are doing this project?

  • They know that inequalities in sexual health outcomes and access to services exist

- Half of all STI diagnoses happen in people under the age of 25 

- Rates of chlamydia and gonorrhoea are four times higher in people of Black ethnicity compared to white ethnicity 

- STI statistics for people in the trans community aren't published yet 

- The literature talks about coercion into using long acting reversible contraception

  • They know there are problems and they think we as a society can do better. But to start to push for change they need your help 
  • There have been year-on-year cuts to sexual health funding by the UK government since 2014 – they want this to change 
  • They want to make sure that the government takes notice

To take part in the survey click here

If you have any questions about the survey, please contact the project lead is Daniela Basuta-Hone who is happy answer any questions you might have via email  or if you would prefer to discuss the project over the telephone or video call, just let Daniela know, her number is 020 7812 1864 - usual working times are Tuesday to Thursday 9.30 – 5.30.

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