PRESS RELEASE: Healthwatch Brighton and Hove Highly Commended for Prestigious Impact Award (1.11.2022)

Healthwatch Brighton and Hove's work with the patients of New Larchwood Surgery, resulting in the practice reversing its decision to reduce hours and services, has received Highly Commended by a national awards scheme.
New Larchwood surgery

·  Healthwatch Brighton and Hove's work with the patients of New Larchwood Surgery, resulting in the practice reversing its decision to reduce hours and services, has been acknowledged by a national awards scheme.

·  This recognises the hard work of the Healthwatch Brighton and Hove team and volunteers, working closely with patients to directly contribute to positive change in the local community.

"Many congratulations - your local Healthwatch has been shortlisted for one of these awards because your efforts and dedication have resulted in real impact, achieving tangible improvements for local health and social care users.
“With services seemingly more pressurised than ever, the role of Healthwatch as health and social care champion is particularly vital and we must ensure that people’s voices are heard and service leaders act on feedback. Our impact awards demonstrate the many different ways Local Healthwatch represent their communities and act as a force for positive change both locally and nationally.”

Sir Robert Francis KC, who retires from his role as Chair of Healthwatch England in November after over three years in the role

“Winning one of four Highly Commended places recognises our team's ability to listen to what patients need from their health service, enable the patient voice to be heard by service providers, and encourage service changes that patients would like to see."

Geoffrey Bowden, Chair, Healthwatch Brighton and Hove

For further information, see the links below: 

To read more about the Impact Award

To read more about the project


To read a summary of the project report: 

Healthwatch Brighton and Hove

As the public champion for local health and care services, Healthwatch Brighton and Hove will continue to work in partnership with commissioners and providers to monitor the experiences of patients and the public in accessing health and care services locally and explore how ongoing improvements may be delivered.

Healthwatch Brighton & Hove Website

Press queries - Brighton and Hove

David Liley / 07931 755343

Broadcast media: our spokesperson will be available for pre-recorded interviews either down-the-line, for radio or for television via online platforms. Should broadcasters wish to have a representative in a studio Healthwatch will try to accommodate such requests and expects interviews to be conducted in accordance with Government COVID-19 guidelines.

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